Breeding and Ecosystem Services
Coordinator: Prof. Ramanzin Maurizio
Member: Luca Battaglini, Stefano Bovolenta, Gustavo Gandini, Miriam Iacurto, Silvana Mattiello, Maria Francesca Sarti, Enrico Sturaro
To raise awareness and provide documentation on the topic within ASPA and the livestock sector in general.
To produce a study/review on the relationships between livestock farming and ecosystem services.
Activities 2022-2023:
In the period October 2021 - May 2022 the commission offered the following online seminars:
“Agro-ecological transition and implications for Italian livestock systems”, (E. Sturaro, L. Battaglini, S.Bovolenta, G. Gandini, M. Iacurto, S. Mattiello, M. Ramanzin. F.M. Sarti), held on part of the webinar cycle “Animal Sciences Thursdays” organized by ASPA.
Agro-zootechnical systems and ecosystem services (M. Ramanzin), held on 15/2/2022 as part of a webinar cycle on "Natura 2000 Network, agro-zootechnical systems and biodiversity", organized for the Interreg V-A Italia project - Slovenia “Bee-Diversity” by the Department of Agri-Food, Environmental and Animal Sciences of the University of Udine (prof. Stefano Bovolenta) and the Alto Adriatico Technological Pole of Pordenone.
In the period October 2022 - May 2023 the commission offered the following online seminars:
“Wildlife and extensive farming: emerging problems”, (L. Battaglini, S. Bovolenta, G. Gandini, M. Iacurto, S. Mattiello, M. Ramanzin. F.M. Sarti, E. Sturaro,), held on as part of the webinar cycle "Animal Science Thursdays" organized by ASPA on March, 23 2023.
“The mountain pasture: production aspects and multifunctionality” (M. Ramanzin), held on 31/3/2023 as part of the “Alte Imprese” high-level training school. International Mountain Cheese School on 31/3/2023.
The commission is also working on two review projects, the first relating to a bibliometric analysis of the relationships between ecosystem services and livestock systems (the classification and analysis of a database of over 400 papers is underway), and the second to the possibility of map the ecosystem services linked to Italian livestock systems (a list of indicators at territorial level of supply, biodiversity and cultural ES has been identified; the possibility of collecting them together with indicators on livestock systems which should be obtainable from the Census of Agriculture 2020).
A bibliometric review is underway on the topic of the relationship between large predators and animal husbandry. The objective is to highlight the state of (European) knowledge on the impact and approaches to its mitigation, and to discuss how these can be useful and what the knowledge and management gaps are to effectively support farming systems in reducing impacts. conflicts, with particular reference to our country.
- Report: "Agro-Livestock Systems and Ecosystem Services" - Version 2.0 September 2021 - ASPA study commission “Farming and Ecosystem Services”