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ASPA Statute

Art. 1 - Establishment, purpose and headquarters

The Association for Animal Science and Production Association "ASPA", a non-profit Scientific Association with the aim of promoting the progress of sciences and technologies affecting animals in zootechnical production, is established. fish fauna, pets and sports animals, working animals and wildlife and, in addition, environmental, landscape, ethological, economic factors, animal welfare, quality, safety and use of products of animal origin.

This purpose is achieved through:

1 - the promotion of research in the various sectors in which the animal sciences are articulated;

2 - the organization of congresses, conventions, seminars, conferences and meetings between those who dedicate themselves to scientific research in the zootechnical field, as well as the promotion of contacts between national, foreign and international associations operating in related sectors in order to coordinate the activity towards common goals;

3 - the publication and dissemination of scientific works on zootechnical disciplines;

4 - the debate on the problems of training and teaching zootechnics and related disciplines in Italian schools and especially in universities;

5 - collaboration with public and private bodies that work for the advancement of animal sciences;

6 - the performance of any other scientific and cultural activity deemed useful for the achievement of social goals;

The administrative headquarters of the Association is designated in the place where the Treasurer carries out his activity.

The Association logo and related graphics are the property of the ASPA and are established by resolution of the Governing Council.


Art. 2 - Duration

The duration of the Association is indefinite.


Art.3 - Members

Ordinary members can be natural or legal persons who dedicate themselves as a main activity to study and / or research in the various branches of animal sciences and whose activity is evidenced by an adequate scientific production.

The proposal for admission to ordinary members of individuals takes place upon presentation of three ordinary members and must be forwarded to the President.

This proposal, based on the requirements set out in paragraph 1, must be approved by the Governing Council, by a majority, and communicated to the ordinary assembly.

The proposal for admission as supporting member of legal persons takes place upon presentation of three ordinary members; this proposal must be approved by a majority by the Governing Council and communicated to the ordinary Assembly. The supporting members are represented in the Association by a natural person delegated with the prerogatives of ordinary members.

The appointment as ordinary member is made by the President and is valid after the payment of the membership fee which must in any case be made within the calendar year of admission.

University members or those belonging to Institutions, Centers, Councils or Research Agencies who are placed in a retired position become honorary members. They retain all the rights and duties of ordinary members and are not required to pay the membership fee.

Young people undergoing training in animal science research (PhD students, fellows, fellows, etc.) can apply for admission to the ASPA as aggregate members. The aggregate members have the right to participate in all the initiatives of the association, and have the right to vote in the assemblies for the approval and modification of the statute and for the appointment of the governing bodies of the Association.

Upon completion of the training process with the achievement of a role position in the field of research, the aggregate members become ordinary members, as well as the acquisition of scientific maturity involves a similar step, subject to instruction in both cases of the relative practice and resolution by part of the Governing Council.

Researchers residing abroad can apply for admission to the ASPA as corresponding members. The admission procedures for corresponding members are the same as those provided for ordinary members. The corresponding shareholders have the right to vote in the Assembly, but contribute to the determination of the quorum only if present. In the event of a transfer to Italy, the corresponding shareholders become ordinary shareholders by right and vice versa.

The proposals for admission to ordinary, supporter, aggregate and correspondent members presented during a calendar year will be taken into consideration in the following year.

Members are required to comply with the statutory rules, the ethical codes that regulate the scientific community, as well as actively participate in the life of the Association.


Art. 4 - Bodies of the Association

The organs of the Association are the Assembly, the President, the Board of Directors and the Audit Office.


Art. 5 - Assembly

It is made up of all members. It is responsible for:

(a) the election of the President;

(b) the election of the members of the Governing Council and of the Audit Office;

(c) the approval of the budget and the final account;

(d) approval of the Association's program of activities;

(e) amendments to the Articles of Association.

The Assembly meets in ordinary session at least once a year by 30 (thirty) June and in extraordinary session whenever this is deemed appropriate by the Governing Council or is requested by at least one third of the ordinary members. The place of the meeting is established from time to time by the Board of Directors. The date of convocation of the meeting, with the indication of the topics to be discussed, must be notified at least fifteen days before the meeting.

Ordinary meetings are valid on first call with the participation of half of the ordinary members plus one and on second call regardless of the number of members.

In ordinary meetings, a maximum of two proxies are allowed for each participating member.

Extraordinary meetings are valid with the participation of at least one third of the ordinary members. Voting by proxy is not allowed for these meetings.

The resolutions of the Shareholders' Meetings are valid if they obtain the majority of the votes of the shareholders, in the manner provided for by this Statute.


Art. 6 - President

The President is elected from among the ordinary members by an absolute majority by the Shareholders' Meeting, remains in office for three years and can be re-elected consecutively only once. If no candidate reaches an absolute majority of votes, a second ballot will be held between the two candidates who have received the most votes.

The candidacies, accompanied by the curriculum and the programmatic intentions, must be presented to the President in office at least thirty days before the voting, and communicated within 15 days to all members.

The President represents the Association, convenes and presides over the Assembly and the Governing Council.

Shareholders who have been Presidents of the ASPA are awarded the title of "President Emeritus of the ASPA" and are exempt from paying the membership fee.


Art. 7 - Board of directors

It is composed of the President and four members elected from among the ordinary members in the same session in which the President is elected. Each member present and voting can indicate only one name.

The four most supported members will be elected. If a post becomes vacant, the first of the non-elected members will take over.

The candidacies, accompanied by the curriculum, must be presented at least thirty days before the voting, to the President in office who will communicate them within 15 (fifteen) days to all members.

In the first meeting, the Governing Council elects the Vice President, the Treasurer and the Secretary from among its members. The office of Secretary and Treasurer can be attributed to the same person. The Governing Council remains in office for three social years.

The Vice President replaces the President when he is temporarily prevented or if the latter delegates him to represent him. In case of vacancy of the office of President, the Vice President assumes the function and calls the ordinary Assembly for the election of the President.

A member cannot be elected more than two consecutive times. The Past President sits on the Governing Council as a surplus councilor and has no decision-making vote.

The Governing Council is responsible for:

(a) the management and administrative direction of the Association;

(b) the preparation of the annual report including the program of activities;

(c) the compilation of the budget and the final account;

(d) the proposal of initiatives to be submitted to the Assembly for approval;

(e) the organization of scientific congresses and conferences;

(f) the appointment of study commissions or with specific assignments;

(g) the appointment of the Editorial Board and Advisory Board of the ASPA magazine and of the governing bodies of any other periodicals whose publication is decided;

(h) the proposal for the amount of the shares.

The Board of Directors is convened on the initiative of the President or at the request of at least three members. The place of the meeting is chosen by the President.

The notice of meeting must also be sent electronically no less than seven days before the meeting, indicating the main topics to be discussed. The meeting is invalid if more than two members are absent. The resolutions of the Governing Council are valid if approved by at least three members. If a member of the Governing Council does not attend three consecutive meetings without justified reason, he automatically loses his office and is succeeded by the member who in the elections for the Governing Council was first of the non-elected. It remains in office until the expiry of the Board.


Art.8 - Account Control Office

He is elected in a single vote for which each voting member present can indicate only one name chosen from among the ordinary members. The first three most supported members will be appointed effective auditors, the next two alternate auditors. In the event of a tie, the member who has been enrolled in the ASPA for several years will prevail and in the event of a further tie, the oldest member. It remains in office as long as the Council and has the task of expressing a binding opinion on the budget and the final account. This opinion must be submitted to the ordinary Assembly convened for the approval of the programmatic and budget documents of the Association.

A member cannot be elected more than two consecutive times. The Audit Office appoints the President from among its members. It remains in office for three social years.


Art. 9 - Italian Journal of Animal Science

The "Italian Journal of Animal Science" is the official journal of the ASPA and pursues its statutory aims. The magazine is directed by an Editor in Chief supported by an Editorial Board and an Advisory Board.

Tasks and functions are defined by the Board of Directors and communicated to the Assembly. The appointment of the Editor in Chief, the composition and changes of the Editorial Board and Advisory Board of the magazine are also proposed by the Governing Council and approved by the Shareholders' Meeting.


Art. 10 - Social year and financial statements

The fiscal year begins on the day following that of the annual ordinary Assembly and ends on the day of the annual ordinary Assembly of the following year.

The financial year coincides with the calendar year. The budget and the final account must be approved by the Assembly by 30 (thirty) June.

Provisional exercise is allowed for the fraction of the year prior to the approval of the budget by the Assembly. It is activated through a resolution of the Governing Council to be taken by 31 (thirty-first) December of each year.


Art.11 - Revenue and Assets

The income of the Association consists of the amount of the membership fees, the proceeds of any assets and any other contribution, donation or bequest granted to it. The Association's assets consist of all the movable and immovable property owned by it. It can be used exclusively for the achievement of the statutory purposes of the Association.


Art. 12 - Social share

The membership fee of ordinary and corresponding members is fixed by the Assembly on the proposal of the Governing Council and must be paid within three months of the beginning of each calendar year to the Treasurer of the Association.

The membership fee paid by supporting members must be no less than ten times higher than that paid by ordinary members.

The share of the aggregate members is equal to 50% (fifty percent) of that of the ordinary members.

The fee is neither transferable nor revaluable, nor transferable nor refundable. In case of arrears, after one year from the non-payment, the member is declared forfeited.

The decayed members can request re-registration with the Association within 3 consecutive years to that of their cancellation, upon payment of the arrears.

After this limit they lose this right.


Art. 13 - Secretary

It collaborates with the President in the implementation of the resolutions of the two corporate bodies and in relations with members, other scientific associations, bodies and individuals.

It has the task of drawing up the minutes of the meetings of the Assembly and of the Governing Council and of keeping all the corporate documents.


Art. 14 - Treasurer

He attends to the financial and asset management of which he is responsible to the President and to the Governing Council; it also has the task of preparing and supplying all the data and documents necessary for the budget and the final account.


Art. 15 - Amendments to the Articles of Association

The present Statute can be modified only with the resolution of the Assembly in extraordinary session with the favorable vote of at least two thirds of the members present and voting. The modification proposals can be presented by the President, the Board of Directors or by at least one third of the ordinary members who sign the motivated proposal. The proposals duly illustrated must be brought to the attention of the shareholders at least thirty days before the convening of the Assembly.


Art.16 - Dissolution of the Association

The dissolution is proposed by the Extraordinary Assembly and subsequently ratified by referendum and favorable vote of at least three quarters of the members.

In this case, the Assembly will appoint a Board of three liquidators and will establish the destination of the net assets resulting from the liquidation to another association with similar purposes or for purposes of public utility, having heard the control body referred to in art. 3, paragraph 190, of the law of 23 December 1966, n. 662, and unless otherwise required by law.

For anything not provided for in this Statute, reference must be made to the laws in force.


Art. 17

It is forbidden to distribute, even indirectly, profits or operating surpluses, funds, reserves or capital during the life of the Association.

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