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Admission and membership fee

Admission of new members

Proposals for admission as a member of the Association for Animal Science and Production must be sent to the President (Prof. Nicolò Pietro Paolo Macciotta e-mail and in copy to the ASPA treasury    (e-mail: providing the information indicated in the appropriate form (link)


Social quote

Payment of the membership fee, equal for the year 2024 to 100.00 euros for ordinary members and 50.00 euros for aggregate members, must be made, in accordance with art. 12 of the Statute of our Association, within three months from the beginning of the calendar year, according to one of the following methods:​

  • bank transfer to current account in the name of A.S.P.A at Intesa San Paolo Branch in Via Garbini, 61 - 01100 VITERBO (ITALY) IBAN bank details:


  • non-transferable bank check made out to A.S.P.A. to be sent to: ASPA Secretariat, DAFNE Department, University of Tuscia, Via S. Camillo de Lellis, s.n.c. - 01100 VITERBO (VT).


The receipt will be sent to the members by e-mail.


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