Phenomics in animals of zootechnical interest

Coordinator : Prof. Luca Fontanesi
Members :
Fabio Abeni, Alessandro Bagnato, Francesca Bertolini, Valentina Bonfatti, Martino Cassandro, Paola Crepaldi, Andrea Criscione, Pierpaolo Danieli, Pasquale De Palo, Roberto Mantovani, Gianluca Neglia, Riccardo Negrini, Francesca Maria Sarti, Maria Giuseppina Strillacci, Francesco Tiezzi.
Samuele Bovo, Alessandra Crisà, Cinzia Marchitelli, Anisa Ribani, Giuseppina Schiavo, Valeria Taurisano, Paolo Zambonelli.
Objective :
To bring together interdisciplinary knowledge to develop and apply innovative phenotyping technologies to animal production contexts;
To explore the regulatory landscape relating to phenomic data in this context, including data ownership and national and international policies on open access data;
To explore new data integration and merging approaches, including integrating and visualizing phenomic data with genomic/epigenomic data, etc., at different levels with data and information from sensors, imaging, and other phenotyping technologies;
To train young researchers on topics of interest for this new discipline
State of the art and reasons justifying the activation of the Study Commission:
Phenomics is increasingly emerging as a new discipline of particular interest in the animal production sector, framed within the general context of applied biology. Phenomics has as its main objective that of systematically describing the phenome, which includes the set of phenotypes that allow the morphological/external/productive and molecular (internal) characteristics of an organism to be analyzed and measured. Phenomics can be defined as the discipline that combines the wide spectrum of methodologies and technologies useful for the acquisition, analysis, interpretation and exploitation of high-dimensional and high-resolution phenotypic data. The main applications and implications of phenomics can be in the field of selection and genetic improvement of animals and in Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) activities, with possible connections and transfers in species of interest for aquaculture.
Activities of the Study Commission:
To maximize their interactions and exchange of information at both national and international levels, the Commission will promote, organize or produce:
coordination and discussion meetings between the members and listeners of the Commission;
scientific meetings between researchers and between researchers and stakeholders;
texts, papers and publications that will summarize its activities, in particular focused on reviews relating to some aspects of phenomics of particular relevance in different animal species;
presentations of scientific communications at conferences and informative communications;
training activities for students, young researchers and sector operators.
Deliverables of the Study Commission:
The main Deliverables of the Commission:
the preparation and publication of 1-2 reviews on topics relating to phenomics in the field of animal production;
a mapping of the skills, research and initiatives conducted in the field of phenomics at a national level;
the organization of 1-2 training schools focused on phenotyping technologies and the analysis/integration of phenomic data;
the organization of 1-2 dissemination/communication events at national and international level.