Animal production in development cooperation projects

Coordinator : Mattiello Silvana
Members :
Components : Caroprese Mariangela, Crovetto Matteo, Fortina Riccardo, Martini Andrea, Martini Mina, Parisi Giuliana, Russo Claudia,
Auditors : Maria Giovanna Ciliberti, Massimo Zecchini,
obtain a cognitive picture of development cooperation projects in the animal production sector, in which the ASPA members have been involved in various capacities
disseminate information on animal production in development cooperation projects.
Activities :
The Commission met three times:
3 February 2015 (Milan)
8 June 2015 (via skype)
22 September 2015 (via skype)
Regular e-mail exchanges were also maintained to circulate ideas and material of common use.
Consistently with the objectives set, the following activities were carried out:
carrying out a survey among ASPA members (form via e-mail), to which 15 members replied, for a total of 30 surveyed projects started from 2010 to 2015, plus two reported in previous years.
presentation of the data obtained from the aforementioned survey at the CUCS Conference (Brescia, 10-12 September 2015) in a poster entitled " Survey on animal production projects in development cooperation ".
drafting and publication of two reviews in the Italian Journal of Animal Science on typical local products of animal origin in Africa.