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Estimation of real per capita consumption of meat in Italy

Image by amirali mirhashemian

Coordinator : Russo Vincenzo

Members : Friends Andrea, Cavani Claudio, Danieli Pier Paolo, De Angelis Anna, Franci Oreste, Gasco Laura, Lo Fiego Domenico, Meluzzi Adele, Moretti Vittorio, Nanni Costa Leonardo, Nicastro Francesco, Parisi Giuliana, Piccolo Giovanni, Sermoneta Colomba, Serra Andrea , Trevisi Erminio, Collaborators, Casarosa Mauro, Colasanti Antonella, De Marco Davide, Petracci Massimiliano, Rossi Dario, Sirri Federico, Sirtori Francesco

Objectives : to develop an economic, rapid and reliable method of estimating the real consumption of meat and fish

Activities :

The commission has developed a method for estimating the real consumption of meat and fish, called the Method of Preventive Deduction of Losses (MDPP). The method can also be used for estimating the real consumption of any other food. The method is based on the preventive deduction from apparent consumption of all losses (processing losses, scraps and waste), which occur between the statistical detection of the apparent availability of the food and the actual consumption of the same by the consumer. The method uses the same procedures for calculating national supply balances (BANs) for food, which provide the estimated apparent consumption.

The estimate involves two phases: the first consists in converting the apparent availability, resulting from the sum of the national production and the import-export balance, into consumable food by deducting processing losses and all waste, with the exception of those occurring on consumption; the second is to deduct waste from distribution and waste and waste for consumption from consumable food.

As regards meat and fish, in the first phase, the technical coefficients for the transformation of the national production and of the various imported and exported product categories were determined. in consumable product, while, for the second phase, on the basis of the limited information available, fixed percentages were defined to deduct retail waste and waste and consumer waste from the consumable product.

Real consumption includes all meat consumed, regardless of how (raw, cooked, processed into cured meats, present in mixed food preparations, canned, etc.) and from where (home, restaurants, fast food restaurants, canteens, communities, stalls, etc. .) is worn out.

The Commission concluded the work with the publication of a volume describing the method and reporting the real per capita consumption of the two foods from 2010 to 2015.

A working group remains active and has taken on the task of estimating the real per capita consumption of meat every year, as soon as ISTA makes available the data on national slaughtering and on imports and exports.

The group consists of: Vincenzo Russo (coordinator), Oreste Franci, Domenico Pietro Lo Fiego, Leonardo Nanni Costa, Massimiliano Petracci, Colomba Sermoneta, Andrea Serra and Erminio Trevisi:

Below is the real daily consumption per capita of total meat and by animal species updated to the year 2018 and the trend of the same in the period 2010-2018.



















































Publications :

  • REAL CONSUMPTION OF MEAT AND FISH IN ITALY: from apparent consumption to real consumption with the method of preventive deduction of losses. Curated by Vincenzo Russo, Anna De Angelis and Pier Paolo Danieli. Franco Angeli, Milan, 2017.

  • Russo V. (2017) - How much meat do you eat in Italy? Annals CXXXVII National Academy of Agriculture Bologna, pages 251-270

  • Russo V., Nanni Costa L., Sermoneta C. ASPA Commission (2016) - Estimation of real per capita consumption of meat in Italy. Proc. ICAS VII Seventh International Conference on Agricultural Statistics pag.493-498, Rome. 24-26 October 2016.

Presentation at conferences:

  • Russo V. (2018) - The method of preventive deduction of losses for the estimation of real food consumption: application to meat and fish. Conference “Food safety on the Italian territory. Statistical indicators and methods of synthesis ", Istat Rome 29 November 2018.

  • Parisi G. (2018) - Fish consumption and sustainability: social perception and estimates
    consumption statistics between research, valorisation of the supply chain and reduction of waste. Ce.DRA meeting "Fish consumption and sustainability: social perception and estimates", Casa Artusi, Forlimpopoli (FC), March 16, 2018.

  • Russo V., Rossi D., Nanni Costa L., Trevisi E. (2017) - How much beef do we eat in Italy - Sustainable Beef Quality for Europe -II A workshop for industry and scientists, 1-2 February 2017 Milan, Italy.

  • Russo V. (2017) - News from the research: the real consumption of meat in Italy. Round table Zootechnics 4: 0, organized by Assocarni and Coldiretti, Jolanda di Savoia, Ferrara, 5 October 2017.

  • Russo V. (2017) - Estimation of food consumption of the population. Is it time to change your approach? The emblematic case of the flesh. Feed me Special Edition 2017, Rome 30 November 2017.

  • Danieli PP (2017) Beef consumption trend in Italy. Study day "Product innovation in the beef supply chain to improve quality and environmental sustainability", University of Tuscia, Viterbo 13 November 2017.

  • Russo V. (2015) - Meat consumption: importance, limits, uncertainties and the possibility of improving estimates. Istat Conference "Statistical indicators for the agri-food supply chains, Milan 17 June 2015.

  • The method of preventive deduction of losses was presented by Dr. François Tomei, director of Assocarni, at a meeting of the European Commission's Beef and Pork Economic Observatory (DG Agri).

  • Following this, the coordinator of the ASPA Commission received an invitation to participate in a technical meeting on the calculation of meat consumption in Europe. Prof Nanni Costa participated in the meeting and presented the method developed by the ASPA Commission.

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