Study of the microbiome in animal sciences: methodological and applicative aspects

Coordinator : Arianna Buccioni (Ruminanti) - Paolo Trevisi (Monogastrici)
Bianca Castiglioni, Antonella Chiariotti, Anna De Angelis, Rosanna Marino, Marcello Mele, Giuseppe Moniello, Anna Nudda, Alberto Palmonari, Valentino Palombo, Mariano Pauselli, Luciano Pinotti, Luciana Rossi, Ilaria Biasato, Bruno Stefanon, Genciana Terova, Massimo Trabalza Marinucci, Raffaella Tudisco
draw up and administer a questionnaire relating to the collection of analytical approaches for the analysis of the microbiome, availability of microbial biobanks or biorepositories of biological matrices characterizing the microbial biodiversity of the national livestock scenario;
mapping of sequencing infrastructures dedicated to livestock farming (real sizing of sequencing needs);
mapping data analysis skills 16s rRNA, metagenome and “omics” in general.
State of the art on the knowledge of the diversity and functions of the microbiome of the various species of livestock.
In-depth analysis and discussion of:
methodological aspects: experimental designs adopted in in vitro and in vivo trials;
sampling methods used for the collection of biological samples to be used for the study of the microbiome and for their conservation;
methodologies adopted for the investigation of the microbiome according to the objectives of the study;
Bioinformatic and biostatistical analytical approaches, development of complex models that integrate microbiome data and other descriptive covariants of the physiological state of animals.
Review in scientific journals depending on the data collected from the questionnaire.
Operational guidelines for sample collection, sample storage and multi omics data analysis.
Summer school: early stage and advance stage.